Since I have been in Alabama visiting the nieces and nephews for the past few weeks there have been no formal Craftiwoo sessions. However, the Davis family got down and crafty anyway:

Above: My precious nieces Amy and Natalie have begun making quilts of their own!

Above: My dad tore out a kitchen wall and made an awe-inspiring pantry for my mom.

Above: Here is the inside of her new pantry. It is bigger than my kitchen. I am so jealous.

Above: My dad had to teach me how to use my mom's sewing machine. Here he is helping to sew the final stitches on the first pillow.

Above: Here I am after finishing all the pillows. We celebrated with fondue!

Above: Here is my mom showing her approval for one side of the pillows.

Above: Here is my mom showing the other side of the pillows. Not sure if she likes this side as much.

Above: Amy, Matt, and Natalie with their pillows.

Above: Allison, Emily, and Brian with their pillows.

Above: Allison and Emma hamming it up with their pillows.

Above: My brother-in-law, Sparky, stole Matt's pillow. I think he is mad that he did not get one.

Above: Amy is a little possessive/possessed.
Sew, as you can see, I had a fun Alabama vacation with my li'l preciouses. They even gave me some of their old shirts for the quilt (which I need to get back to work on now that I am home).