The orange/brown fabrics above are to "tie-in" the various squares for the Sentimental Quilt of Doom. It may be a bit loud.
The red/black fabrics above are to "tie-in" the various squares of the Punk Rock Quilt of Doom. It will feature shirts from shows and concerts and it will be perfect.
Giant Robots--aaaaah ah ah ah! This is from everyone's favorite Baltimore band.
Here we have a collage of some of my favorite squares so far--from both quilts. I kind of made this collage for Katie. I think she will cry when she sees it.
This is my ALL-TIME FAVORITE concert tee. I almost cried while cutting it up. I wore this until it was practically indecent it was so threadbare. So old, so loved. Second concert I ever attended--such a good time.
Mother Earth and Square Deal are ironing backing onto my oldest shirts to make them sturdier. They are amazingly crafty ladies.
Some were soooo hard to cut I had to take pictures of them first...okay, that happened with a lot of them...Scraps = saps.
Some bits of the Sentimental Quilt of Doom. Why would anyone want to remember working at Chi-Chi's???
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